
Prev: Representing a state machine
Next: Preparing the application files

As mentioned previously, RKH is a generic, flexible, modular, highly portable, ANSI-C compliant, and open-source development tool for implementing hierarchical state machines based on modern state machine concepts. This modern techniques are used to give an abstract description of the dynamic behavior of a system in a substantial manner.

The key features of the RKH framework:

The RKH not implements neither entire UML specs. nor entire Statechart specs. Instead, the RKH intention is to support just enough basic concepts of that powerful tools to facilitate the reactive-system modeling holding a solid, and efficient implementation. Broadly speaking, the RKH implementation has been designed from the ground up to be used in 8-bits platforms but can be easily adapted to 16 or 32-bits platforms.

Prev: Representing a state machine
Next: Preparing the application files